A Year Later...

For us, this past year has been a blur! Since March, 2021, when McKenzie Mews was a mud field, there’s been so much activity! Decisions, changes, learning to compromise… exhausting! However, the historic McKenzie Sharland Grocery and Ice House are now renovated and four new buildings are currently under construction.

When finished, there will be 12 units surrounding a central courtyard and green space. The units will range in size from one to three bedrooms. The concept of a central courtyard, trees and shrubs is very important to us. We were inspired by architect, Ross Chapin, who coined the phrase “pocket neighbourhood”.

Once framed, brick work and stucco was next, the windows arrived and were installed and roofing quickly followed.

When the cold weather arrived, hoarding was required. It’s expensive to heat so work can continue, but we’re keen to have the interior of our site clear so landscaping can begin when spring arrives.

We’re seeing progress inside as well. The four buildings are all at different stages. One is just at the insulation stage. The most advanced is having flooring installed and the other two are somewhere between! Drywall, interior doors and trim, painting, cabinets, finish plumbing… So much still to do!

We’re determined to move along as quickly as possible, however, and hope to see completion by late summer. If you’re interested in learning more, please see our contact page and send us an email.