A Fresh Coat of Paint: Linseed oil paint, traditional and ecological

Linseed oil paint was historically manufactured and used widely across North America up until the post-war period when it was replaced by petroleum-based solvent and later by water-based latex paint, common today. However, conservation experts are recommending linseed oil paint for preservation and restoration. In fact, an argument can be made to use it for new construction as well but unfortunately it is not widely available. See more at http://solventfreepaint.ca



The Lauder House at 1075 Dominion

The Lauder House at 1075 Dominion

Every home in this neighbourhood has a story. The Lauder House, at the southwest corner of Dominion and Washington across from the future site of McKenzie Mews, is named after its original owners, George and Mary Lauder. A small bungalow built in 1912, it was raised and expanded in 1956. Another house at the back of the lot was lost to fire. Here is the story of the Lauders’ home.

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